Analyze the industry in Europe through the lens of the company.

illISIIIEA group would like to do a Market Launch Analysis and recommendation for expansion of Shopee in 2 European countries. Your team of Analysts ha been hired for this Project. Your team’s task is to give a “Go” or No-Go” decision to your Client’s Management for expansion in Europe. We expect the team to use data to make their specific decision. You have been invited for an analysis of: 114 Shopee Some guidelines:
– What is your Hypothesis? • Analyze the industry in Europe through the lens of the company. • What factors in the Europe economy were considered towards making your “Go” or “No-Go” decision? • Are there specific correlations in data points that need to be observed / shared? • What aspects of the Business Model should be considered / are noteworthy? • What financials of the company and/or other competitors / complimentary industry were considered towards making your decision? • What could be the Type I and Type II errors in the decision? What would be the implications of either of these errors? • If you recommend a “Go”, what elements in the ERRC / Value Innovation would you recommend your client to do? • If you recommend “No-Go”, what would you highlight/specify in terms of ERRC? • Your arguments should be supported by data, correlations, projections (regression). • You need to prepare a maximum 8 min. Pitch to state your decision and present your analysis to support your decision. Your pitch will be followed by 5-7 mins. of q&A from the Executive management of the Client. Your classmates will “role play” your Client’s Executive management. Your team will need to research publicly available information to get insights such as company/competitor financials, IBISWorld, PitchBook, WSJ and such trusted sources only.