Critically analysed the role of the nurse and MDT in safeguarding people,and respecting right,autonomy and confidentiality or other ethic or value of the person or persons involved.

Advocacy, Empowerment and Protection. – Critical Incident Analysis(Safeguarding)) alysis Written Assignment

Summative assessment: Choose and write an account of a safeguarding incident or issue that witnessed or happened and critically analysed the experience. Support with literature guarded all decisions made. Apply a critical incident analysis framework cleared , explained and supported. Articulate the actual potential or real harm to the person or the institution involved. Critically analyse the role of the nurse and MDT in safeguarding people,and respecting right,autonomy and confidentiality or other ethic or value of the person or persons involved.

Write critically not just describe. Apply four principle approach such as Autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice by referring to the a. Point, b. Explain, make distinction and reference give c. Example that support your point and reference it, d. give Evidence by engaging for and against and reference and e. link it to the main point to the next. Use frameworks like ethic frameworks, five condition frameworks etc to support this assessment.

What am required to do in this assignment?

Your critical incident analysis will be specific to your practice experiences and is aimed at exploring the impact this has on your development as a student nurse.

You are required to select an example where you observed or participated in a safeguarding situation in practice in which a decision was made about a patient or service user. Once you have identified this practice experience, you should write an analytical account with the following elements:

1. Introduction
2. Context of your practice experience
3. Overview of your critical incident
4. Critical analysis of the safeguarding decision, related to key literature and evidence
5. Voice of the adult/child/relative and their experiences
6. Impact of the incident on your practice
7. Reflection and recommendations for future development
8. Conclusion.