Demonstrate logical economic thinking,including how to structure a coherent argument with conclusions linked to evidence.

Aviation: Covid 19 & future challenges


Report (2000 Words) Semester One 2021/2022

Assessment type: Coursework component – Individual Report
Weight: 50% of total module assessment
Length: Your report should not exceed 2,000 words
Date set: September 2021
Deadline for submission:

This assesses the following Learning Outcomes (LOs 3,4,5,6):

Communicate effectively in an appropriate format in a clear and concise manner using a range of media, which are widely used in business and economics.

Reflect on personal capabilities and manage and prioritise own study time to meet set objectives.

Demonstrate logical economic thinking,including how to structure a coherent argument with conclusions linked to evidence.

Show an awareness of ethical constraints and dilemmas in relation to personal and national beliefs and values.