Compare any two dramatic characters and their musical portrayal through themes Puccini assigns them.What does the music tell you about each of the characters and the dynamics between the two?
Puccini’s La Boheme
1300 – 1500 words
Write a 1300 word paper on La Boheme by Puccini in reference to one of the topic items below.
This is not a research paper, but rather an exercise in careful and intelligent listening. Below are some topic ideas to choose from – if you wish to choose a different subject,consult me beforehand.
1. Puccini uses themes, short melodies, to illustrate characters and situations, giving us a glimpse
into the characters’ intimate thoughts. Pick one theme from the choice of musical motives describing Mimi, Rodolfo, and Musetta, trace it throughout the opera, and discuss how Puccini uses it to tell the story and aid the development of the chosen character.
2. Compare any two dramatic characters and their musical portrayal through themes Puccini assigns them.What does the music tell you about each of the characters and the dynamics between the
Remember, music should be the main focus of the discussion.
Do not devote more than 10% of your paper to recounting the plot or describing the costumes. Encourage you to go back and listen again to some of the selections – the more you listen, the more you
will hear. Feel free to write in the first person (e.g. “I noticed…”). Do not be afraid to come up with your own conclusions. It is your personal impressions and reactions to the live opera experience that interest me most.
It is helpful to read the program notes beforehand.
program notes link:
Full opera link: