Discuss the possible effect that growing conditions have on price, availability/supply and plant sustainability?
Botany and herbal manufacturing
Hydrotherapy -answer the following questions.
List the instructions, including any cautions would you give to someone if prescribing a hot bath?
List three herbs that would be useful in treating conditions that require warmer and cooler temperature baths.Also add which condition each herb is useful in treating.
What is a Sitzbath (give a brief description) and list what is it useful in treating?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of pessaries and suppositories?
What instruction would you give to someone using a pessary?
For each of the herbs below please describe what makes the herb suitable to be used as an oil infusion? What are some actions and what are the indications you could use this oil for? What part of the plant is used to make an infused oil? Which herbal medicine products on the market use this oil?
Discuss the possible effect that growing conditions have on price, availability/supply and plant sustainability?