Describe at least one additional technique that the clinic can utilize to further protect itself against cyber crime.
Cybersecurity Consultation
Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please read all of the required resources for this week.
For this interactive assignment you will take on the role of a newly appointed data security consultant for a mental health clinic. The clinic has adopted a new system that allows clinicians to take and store notes from individual counseling sessions in their clients’ files in a far more effective and efficient manner. This new system has lessened operational costs for the clinic allowing them to lower client costs per session, as well as allowing for more integrative care within the clinic. This system has shown improved benefits in the standard of care for all patients. In a recent news report, however, this same system was cited as having been recently breached by hackers looking for personal data. This system has been adopted for use in thousands of clinics across the country and this is the first report of a security breach. The clinic now faces the dilemma of whether to continue using the current, beneficial system, or revert to the older system that had time-tested security benefits.
In your role as a consultant, you have been tasked by the clinic’s board of directors to make a recommendation about whether to keep the current system, or to switch back to the old system. Evaluate the ethical and legal issues related to the clinic’s dilemma and create a presentation for the board.
For your initial post, you will create a three-five minute screencast video of a PowerPoint presentation for the clinic’s board addressing the security issues related to the system and providing them with your recommendation. For the screencast video portion, you may use any screencasting platform you wish. (Quick-start guides for Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.) and Jing (Links to an external site.) are provided for your convenience.)
Your PowerPoint presentation must include the following elements.
Explain your recommendation about whether to keep the current system or revert back to the older system.
Describe at least one ethical and/or legal issue that the clinic must consider as a result of your recommendation.
Describe at least one additional technique that the clinic can utilize to further protect itself against cyber crime.
Explain the basic legal rights of the clinic if it is affected by cyber crime in the future.
In order to stay within the three-five minute time limit, it is highly recommended you write out a script to read with your presentation, or utilize the speaker’s notes section of your PowerPoint to read from while presenting. It is also recommended that you practice your presentation to ensure it will fit within the time limit.
It is a best practice to include visual enhancements in your presentation. These may include appropriate images, a consistent font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece-to-content piece, and slide-to-slide. (Images should be cited in APA format as outlined by the UAGC Writing Center (Links to an external site.). You may wish to use the MSCJ Where to Get Free Images guide Download MSCJ Where to Get Free Images guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.) It is recommended that you access Garr Reynolds Top Ten Slide Tips ( that provides useful assistance with creating successful PowerPoint presentations.
Once you have completed your PowerPoint and script, use the platform and/or screencasting software of your choice to create your three-five minute video and post the URL for the video to the forum.
Where to Get Free (and legal) Images
For Use with MSCJ: Cyber Crime
It can be difficult to find images that are guaranteed to be free to use. There are many sites that have some
free images, but you have to hunt for them among all the fee-based images. Others allow you to download
some free images but then force you to buy a membership to continue. Here are four sources of always
free (and copyright free) photos and illustrations in the public domain or under creative commons license.
You should always attribute the photo by including the source. The images below were found using
keyword searches on cybercrime, cybersecurity, hacking, data, and privacy.
MorgueFile Free Photos
Freerange Stock
If you find other great sources for copyright free images,share with your classmates!