Describe the contextual factors specific to your school and discuss how these factors affect teaching and learning.
Prepare a research report (1,000-1,500) words that clearly identifies all of the steps in the intervention process as well as the findings.
Write this section last. Here you write a short summary of your findings and conclusions.
Introduction and Context
Describe the nature and purpose of the TCISL assignment for the reader. Introduce the unit of work that you taught, and the reasons why you selected that unit. Describe the area of intervention that you focused on (e.g. Spelling), and explain its importance for the subject, the level, and the students that you taught.
The Context
Describe the contextual factors specific to your school and discuss how these factors affect teaching and learning. (e.g. type of school, curriculum, resources including technology, and details about the student population that seem relevant, such as language, gender, achievement, and sociocultural factors.)
Describe the intended learning outcomes you focused on in this unit of work and explain why you chose those particular outcomes.