Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ONE type of geoengineering technique.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ONE type of geoengineering technique.

Word length: 2000 words, excluding References, Figure captions and Tables. You should include a word count at the end of the essay. Essays that exceed this word length will be penalised.

You must also use the departmental guidelines on the style of your reference formatting which is Harvard referencing style

Outcomes assessed:

Knowledge & Understanding:

MLO 1: Discuss and apply key academic issues of relevance to your subject discipline in order to address complex problems,recognising that these may transcend the boundaries of individual modules.

Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:

MLO 2: Develop and apply a range of skills and practices that enable you to cope effectively with the demands of academic study at HE level.

MLO 3: Communicate effectively to diverse audiences using a range of formats and media, recognising the need to justify your own opinions and to challenge your own thinking and the thinking of others.

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA)

MLO 4: Develop and apply principles of reflective practice to monitor your academic performance and progress and use these in relation to personal development planning, self-improvement and in support of your future employability and long term career prospects.

MLO 5: Value curiosity, collaboration and analysis as keystones in the creation of new knowledge and practice and establish good working relationships with staff and fellow students.

No less than 10 academic sources