Examine the issue within a global context or concentrate on a particular developing country as a case study and examine the statistical/empirical evidence to substantiate your statements.

Development Economics and Emerging Markets

FE6002: 2000 Words Essay with 50% Weighting

Submit online through Turnitin on Weblearn

This coursework assesses Learning Outcomes 1 and 2

Here is a list of essays on topics we cover in lectures during the autumn semester. For each topic, there is a list of recommended readings which are on your lecture handouts associated with each topic and are just suggestions. Some of these research paper/articles/reports are already uploaded under each lecture heading in Weblearn.

Choose ONE Topic and answer the question.

For each topic, you may examine the issue within a global context or concentrate on a particular developing country as a case study and examine the statistical/empirical evidence to substantiate your statements.

In some questions there are several parts with different weightings. This can guide you about the significance of each section and the number of words that can be allocated to it.

Come and speak with me about your topic so that you can have some feedback prior to submitting your work.