Describe the need for a published testing policy and where it can be found.

Educational Assessment and Evaluation Project Part 4

The final part of the project is the creation of a testing policy for your nursing program. Create a testing policy for your nursing program that addresses each aspect of the NLN Fair testing guidelines, accreditation requirements, best practices, and the checklist for test construction.


Provided the title and purpose of the paper clearly and aligned clearly with learning outcomes. See project 1 for learning outcomes.

Describe the need for a published testing policy and where it can be found.

Alignment to the NLN Fair Grading Guidelines

Clearly aligns all major aspects of fair testing guidelines.

Describe how your created policy aligns with the NLN Fair Grading Guidelines.

Alignment to Oermann’s the Test Construction Check list

Clearly aligns all aspects of test construction checklist are present in paper.

Describe how your created policy aligns with the test construction check list.

Alignment to the NCLEX RN Test Plan

Describe how your created policy aligns with the NCLEX test plan.

Alignment to Other Best Practices

Describe how your created policy aligns with best practices from at least 3 scholarly resources.

Alignment to Cited Accreditation Agency

Identify the accreditation agency used and how the testing policy aligns with criterion from the accreditation process.

Address Future Efforts to Plan for the Next Generation NCLEX