How do the concepts learned in this course related to the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences help you to understand Izzie’s story?

Competency 2 Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

Engagement (S)

1) If you were the social worker for Izzie, what questions would you have for the client and/or family? What information would you find important to understand the family’s culture? What things might you observe that could help you learn about the family’s culture? Make sure to address the role Izzie and her family can play for you to collect necessary information.

2) How do the concepts learned in this course related to the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences help you to understand Izzie’s story? Describe the ways a social worker might be helpful to Izzie and her family at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Use the case study, your textbook and at least one scholarly journal article as reference material to support your answer.

3) Applying your understanding of cultural differences, use specific examples to explain how you would engage with Izzie and/or her family. How would your understanding of the possible privilege, oppression, poverty, or marginalization, that may or may not exist inform your engagement process with Izzie and/or her family?

Reflect on relevant personal biases and values that align with and conflict with aspects of the case study. Describe the ways you would apply self-awareness and self-regulation to manage the influence of these personal biases and values (e.g., Do you have any pre-existing beliefs that might impact your ability to work with the family?)

Reflect on your own identities and consider how the family might perceive you. Where do you see yourself fitting? How might any of this impact your ability to be helpful to Izzie and her family and to build rapport with them?