Where is this “special accessory” made in the snails.? any special organs? see if you can find it in literature.

Note: This is a collaboration (but of course you’re not allowed to give in your details), not a plagiarism.

Want a critical review paper.

One critical review paper is about 4 pages (1000-1500 words)

But in this paper,want you to write two sections of critical review.Each section is 4 pages

Title: Reproductive ecology of “a snail species”


Am studying the reproductive ecology of a species of aquatic snail (will tell what species and family later)
Description of the species
Reproductive ecology
put whatever information that fits here
Evolutionary perspective
significance of this snail
significance of this study..why is this study important?

Section 1. “special accessory” of this snail species (4 pages, or more)

Find all studies that studied or at least mentioned the “special accessory” of this snail (or its family). (I will send the papers to you, you must read all and refer these papers)
Provide diagrams for each of the “special accessory”
Read up on…why do some snails have these and others don’t?
whats the general function of them? which snails have them generally? which family? which species in this family? what is their function in this species I’m studying.
Where is this “special accessory” made in the snails.? any special organs? see if you can find it in literature.

Section 2. Egg cases and early development (4 pages)

Provide review about the egg cases of this snail.
Read some articles, and most authors suggest that the snail hatch as veliger (swimming) larvae. These authors suggest this snail is amphidromous but I found that other papers suggest flexibility in hatching (meaning it doesnt hatch as veliger larvae). This hatching flexibility is known as poecilogony. Read up more about these terms though.Explain in great detail.

keywords: (will be revealed later)

Don’t forget to sum up your conclusion and what are the recommendations for future studies?

Sources..Am not sure how many yet; want to read and revise first and see if there are any lack of informations.

Explain in detail. You can modify/change the outline, add new questions,arguments,discuss whatsoever you like, but  want to review the paper first before the deadline if it’s possible. You are more than welcome to give recommendations, advice.