Are there any points of agreements or disagreements with the researcher?What are the theoretical implications?
Journal 2
This assignment requires the participant to select, read and critique a research study or educational article on some area of play theory, creativity or aesthetics in early childhood education. During the search for an appropriate study, it is hoped that students will learn about the many types of professional journals available in the university library and the information they contain.
Journals to be used:
Child Development, Early Child Development and Care, Young Children, Childhood Education International, Phi Delta Kappan, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Journal of Early Intervention, Zero to Three, Dimensions, Reading Teacher, Day Care and Early Education, Journal of Research on Development in Education, Child Study Journal, American Educational Researcher, Journal of Family Issues, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Language Arts, TESOL Quarterly, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Teacher Education
Assignment Profile
Author(s), (Year of Journal). Title of Article (small case letters except first word), Name of Journal, Volume(issue), pages.
Johnson, J.E., & Ersler, J. (1998). Developmental trends in preschool play as a function of a classroom program and child gender. Child Development, 52(3), 275-279.
Phillips, V., & McCullogh, L. (1995). Consultation-based programming: Instituting the collaborative ethic in schools. Exceptional Children 56(4), 291-305.
Tucker, C.M. (1993).Black Children’s perception of self: Implications of educators. The Educational Forum, 57(2), 146-156.
Provide purpose: a paraphrase of the researchers words
Subjects: name, age, sex socioeconomic status, hereditary and environmental factors, (if applicable)
Procedure: description of steps taken and any special apparatus, tests or techniques
Results: findings
Conclusions: researcher’s interpretations of whether hypothesis is substantiated
Reflections: the most important section, the place for students to express personal opinions, questions to consider. Is it a worthwhile study? Are there any points of agreements or disagreements with the researcher?What are the theoretical implications?
Journal Article Criteria:
Organization (APA style, grammar, spelling, continuity, punctuation and order)
Content: Information Data