Are the memories must be all good?Will your future self reflect on this or feel good about yourself?
Jewellery is often part of our daily ritual. Unaware interactions are repetitive interactions that we pay little attention becomes to part of the daily ritual. Fidgeting with our jewellery, for example, is a habit that some people have.
In these ways, jewellery becomes part of our identity and we feel ‘naked’ or ‘incomplete’ without it .
Everyone has all kinds of memories. Are the memories must be all good?
Interactive Jewellery: a design exploration. In Proceedings of the TEI’16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
“Make a wish. Write it down on an address label. Tie it around a branch of a Wish Tree. Ask your friends to do the same. Keep wishing. Until the branches are covered with wishes.”
Nostalgia is a bittersweet—albeit predominantly positive—self-relevant and social emotion that arises from reflecting on fond and meaningful autobiographical memories. The time capsule is a way to communicate with your future self, but also a process of reflection and nostalgia. Will your future self reflect on this or feel good about yourself?