Are there authors we’ve covered whose works you would like to read in greater depth?Issues, such as religious vs historical memory; transmission of collective memory; nostalgia and memory; the presence of the past? How does Judaism or Jewish culture construct the meaning of past events?

You are to write an essay that explores the theme further. You may draw on the class readings, but also research your topic further, going to readings, podcasts, films, and other sources that are not part of the class assignments.
How to select a theme: If a good idea does not immediately call out to you, look through your weekly responses for ideas.

Notice what caught your attention, inspired you, puzzled you, disturbed you, angered you. Are there authors we’ve covered whose works you would like to read in greater depth?Issues, such as religious vs historical memory; transmission of collective memory; nostalgia and memory; the presence of the past? How does Judaism or Jewish culture construct the meaning of past events? These are meant as examples; you are not limited to these topics. You may integrate personal or familial memory if it helps illuminate your topic.

What evidence supports the claim and how strong is that evidence? Is there evidence that does not support the claim and how strong is the opposing evidence?

It is commonly claimed that people who experience trauma, especially childhood trauma, forget the event as a result of what Freud called repression, but may later recall it—either spontaneously or as a result of various forms of psychotherapy. For example, in 1989, Eileen Franklin told California police that when she looked into her young daughter’s eyes one day, she suddenly remembered seeing her father kill her childhood friend more than 20 years earlier. On the basis of her testimony about this memory, her father, George Franklin, Sr., was sent to prison for murder .

For this assignment, you will research this claim and address the following questions/judgments:

What evidence supports the claim and how strong is that evidence?

Is there evidence that does not support the claim and how strong is the opposing evidence?

Do we need additional evidence before drawing conclusions about the claim, and if so, how could we collect it?

What conclusions are most reasonable given the evidence available so far?

In the assignment, you will need to cite the studies and individual cases you find to address each of the questions. The paper should be 3-4 pages long, double spaced, not including the reference page, in APA format

Discuss your process of finding, retrieving, and analyzing best practice information to develop an approach to a care plan for the patient and their family in the given case narrative .

complete the questions focusing upon the case study:

1) Review the case scenario . Explore the scenario from both the nursing, health, and psychosocial perspectives.
2) Generate relevant and timely actions and recommendations to assist the patient in the situation to obtain the highest level of wellness possible.
3) Discuss your process of finding, retrieving, and analyzing best practice information to develop an approach to a care plan for the patient and their family in the given case narrative .
4) Include discussion of at least one College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Standard or Guideline , and how the Standard or Guideline is relevant to the case scenario.
5) Use the rubric as your template for the paper.

Submission Requirements:
1) Completed assignment in APA 7 format.
2) Page length will be 6 pages, double spaced


How could the study have been made better? What did you learn from this case study?

Cost benefit analysis for clean water

Report Number

A short description of the report

How important was the study? What purpose(s) did it serve?
What challenges are faced while conducting the study
Ways used for overcoming those challenges
How could the study have been made better?
What did you learn from this case study?
Include any other pertinent issue that you would like to bring .
Overall comment on the case study that you would like to make but are not asked .

Develop a formal report with headings in a business plan style using Harvard referencing.

What do I need to do to pass?
• Evidence the process of developing a business idea
• Provide evidence of relevant research and learning that supports the development of the business idea using sources listed in the reading list
• Develop a formal report with headings in a business plan style using Harvard referencing.
• Demonstrate the functions of business required to develop a new venture.

Identify and critically discuss the main themes that emerged from a case discussed in Adult Group Clinical Supervision and relate these to promoting and developing resilience in care provision.

Reflection, Leadership and Learning

A written reflection of a practice experience or case that was discussed in one of the clinical supervision groups.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes that should be addressed by this assignment are :
Demonstrate a critical awareness of the professional and leadership relevance of group clinical supervision.
Identify and critically discuss the main themes that emerged from a case discussed in Adult Group Clinical Supervision and relate these to promoting and developing resilience in care provision.
Analyse aspects of their own learning and develop the ability to reflect and be reflexive through the process of group clinical supervision.

Reflection is an important and powerful strategy for you to use to develop your professional practice. It enables the linking of practice experience with theoretical aspects of learning to help you to develop, moving from novice to skilled practitioner.
Reflection should enhance self-awareness, identifying personal strengths and the areas to focus on for development. Theory helps to direct that new learning by providing relevant knowledge. Critically viewing both ourselves and new knowledge is very important.
Consider the knowledge that you have acquired, the skills you have developed and feelings you have about different situations that you have encountered and about your own development.

What social/political/economic changes have occurred that are reflected in advertisements? What social anxieties and panics are circulating in public discourse that are reflected by this campaign?


This AD is a COVID-10 ad campaign by Hyundai

What’s the historical context of the ad?

when was this ad created? what was happening at the time?

Is the ad relative to any social context during that time period?
How does the ad challenge, reflect or critique the social environment in which it was created in?
What social/political/economic changes have occurred that are reflected in advertisements?
What social anxieties and panics are circulating in public discourse that are reflected by this campaign?
What ideologies are being reproduced/challenged by an advertisement campaign?
What is this advertisement campaign communicating about the social context in which it was created?
Why is this campaign being created at that moment?
Does the advertisement campaign have a connection to previous historical transformations?
What is not being visualized/discussed in the advertisement campaign?
Whose voices/perspectives are being promoted?