Do you share the same? Discuss which options you think would be the best for Julie.

Julie uses heroin for her reported chronic pain. She states that if she does not take something for her pain, she becomes depressed and suicidal. She has agreed to see a counselor. She has also stated that she does not know anything about her treatment options but is willing to try any method to overcome her addiction and depression.

Based on what you have learned in this module, explain to her the advantages and disadvantages of the following techniques as well as the possible outcomes:

12-step program- advantages and disadvantages

Group therapy-advantages and disadvantages

Behavioral contracting-advantages and disadvantages

Pharmacotherapy-advantages and disadvantages

Relapse prevention-advantages and disadvantages

Once you have posted, review at least two of your classmates’ posts. Read over their advantages/disadvantages and outcomes. Do you share the same? Discuss which options you think would be the best for Julie.

Discuss radio emission from galaxies and talk about how you will use Zooniverse. What resources will you use to complete this project?

Project #1 Description
Use the Disk Detective project to identify the disks around nearby stars where planets may be forming.

Go to https://w (links to an external site) (Links to an external site.)

Select the “Tutorial” tab. For each potential planet host, you will press the ‘play’ button to click through a few images of the same star taken with different telescopes. You can manually click through the images using the round buttons on the bottom. You will be asked to identify if the star has a suitable debris disk around it (if the disk is round and contained within the outer circle in all the telescope images), or to identify potential spikes or image artifacts, or if the image extends beyond the circles. Pay attention to the name of the telescope in the top of the image, as this will help you identify potential problems with the images.

After completing the tutorial, analyze 5 potential stars. Take screenshots of all the telescope images for your candidate star (12 per task), to help justify your classification of the potential debris disk.

What to Include in The Project Plan
Research debris disks and star formation and talk about how you will use Zooniverse. What resources will you use to complete this project? (Remember to include Zooniverse.)

Project #2 Description
Use the Radio Galaxy Zoo: LOFAR project to help find supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies and galaxies where stars are forming.

Go to (links to an external site) (Links to an external site.)

Select the “Tutorial” tab. For each galaxy, you may be asked to place a “+” marker inside a blue dashed ellipse if it seems to belong in the same radio region (shown by the yellow lines) as the main solid blue ellipse. If there do not seem to be any dashed ellipses that match the radio region of the solid ellipse, you can move on.

For some images, you will also be able to match the optical image (shown as the background) to the radio emission (shown by the yellow lines and blue ellipses). If you think you can identify a single point (‘counterpart’) on the optical image that is generating the radio emission, mark it with a pink “+”. If there does not seem to be an optical source, you can move on.

The tutorials will give you some feedback on how you are doing before you start. After completing the tutorial, analyze 5 different images. Take before and after screenshots of each image that show the image before you have identified the centres of the matching dashed ellipses and the optical counterpart.

What to Include in The Project Plan
Research radio emission from galaxies and talk about how you will use Zooniverse. What resources will you use to complete this project? (Remember to include Zooniverse.)

Briefly explain how each of these two theories might supply different ways of thinking about The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Who Refused to Provide Care for Healthy Unvaccinated Children case.

Review the Beauchamp and Childress (2019) required reading and the four main moral theories in the lessons.
Here are the 4 theories:
⦁ Utilitarian Theory
⦁ Kantian Theory
⦁ Rights Theory
⦁ Virtue Theory
Choose two of the moral theories you learned about this week. Briefly explain how each of these two theories might supply different ways of thinking about The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Who Refused to Provide Care for Healthy Unvaccinated Children case.

Did anything in particular stand out, good or bad, in the first five chapters?Explain

. What are some of your general thoughts or questions about the first half of Kimmel’s book?

Did you enjoy reading it? Did it give you new ways to think about race and masculinity?

2. In the last paragraph of his “Preface,” Kimmel explains his “hopes” for the book. What do
you make of those hopes? (Note: If you have the most recent edition, he deleted this material.)

3. What are some of the main ideas Kimmel unpacks in his “Introduction”? What are the
strengths and weaknesses of this approach?

4. Explain, in brief, how Kimmel uses these key terms:
Genteel Patriarch; Heroic Artisan; Self-Made Man
Escape; Exclusion; Control

5. Did anything in particular stand out, good or bad, in the first five chapters?

6. We talked last time about how to structure the introduction to historical writing. Can you
identify these elements (hook/anecdote, topic, importance

What else might explain the rapid rise in living standards in most countries over the last couple centuries? Why have living standards failed to rise in some countries?

Possible prompts: How are you better off (or worse off) than your parents, your grandparents, or your great-grandparents? What explains the hockey stick figures in Unit 1? Did capitalism cause of the permanent technological revolution? What else might explain the rapid rise in living standards in most countries over the last couple centuries? Why have living standards failed to rise in some countries? How do capitalist economies rely on non-capitalist institutions? How does capitalism differ from feudalism and socialism? Is capitalism responsible for rising inequality and/or climate change?

Explain a planned modification to one of these four lessons to accommodate a child enrolled with a hypothetical special need or disability.

One of the many responsibilities you would face as the center’s director is to promote your child care facility to prospective parents and new families. In this assignment, you’ll explain your fictional center’s approach to ensuring and maintaining the health, safety, and nutrition of all children enrolled. In an early part of your essay, you’ll share information about the center’s indoor and outdoor environments and the many ways in which they’re kept sanitary, safe, and secure. In a later portion of your essay, you’ll explain four detailed lessons included in your curriculum that effectively teach children about health, safety, and nutrition. Finally, you’ll explain a planned modification to one of these four lessons to accommodate a child enrolled with a hypothetical special need or disability. As always, your written work will include introductory and concluding paragraphs, and it will be supported by APA formatted in-text citations and references wherever needed.

Discuss the client(s) that you feel may be problematic or difficult for you to work with and explain why.

1. Explain and discuss your personal values, as well as who and/or what you feel influenced you the most in forming your values. In addition, identify the values that lead you to pursue a career in social work.

2. Discuss how your values fit with social work values, for example, what are the similarities? Are there values that are different than your own? If so, how will you rectify those in a professional manner?

3. Explain how you feel your values and the profession’s values will influence your role as a social worker. Include in your discussion the six core values and principles of social work.

4. Discuss the client(s) that you feel may be problematic or difficult for you to work with and explain why. How do you think your values would affect your work with them? How might you resolve this dilemma?

5. Read the NASW Code of Ethics and discuss it briefly in this section of the essay. Your discussion should first address the Overview section of the Code and the Purpose section (What is the Code and what is its purpose in social work?). Then select one Ethical Principle or Ethical Standard, discuss it briefly and how you would apply it in your professional work as a social worker with clients.

6. Social workers are expected to abide by the NASW Code of Ethics, which governs their relationships with clients. One of the guiding principles of this code is the dignity and worth of each individual. Based upon your understanding of this concept, describe how you would use it in social work practice.

Examine this statement: “The inherent risk is that society’s faith in doctors as healers would become subverted if doctors participate in physician-assisted suicide.”

Describe an example of how you as a professional nurse have used ethical theories or ethical principles in a clinical practice setting.
In your clinical setting, consider the many times and various ways in which you acted as a patient or family advocate. Which model did you follow in advocating for the patient: rights protection model, values-based model, or respect for persons model? Would having used a different model have changed the outcome? Were there also instances when you chose not to be an advocate for a particular patient? What circumstances or events prevented you from serving in this role?

Discussion #2
Discussion Question:
Please respond to ONE of the following prompts.
Do you agree that individual states should be able to place reasonable restrictions or waiting periods for abortions? Who should determine what is reasonable?
Examine this statement: “The inherent risk is that society’s faith in doctors as healers would become subverted if doctors participate in physician-assisted suicide.”